
The Champ

Original Titel: The Champ
Regie: King Vidor

Wallace Beery won an Oscar for his role here as a down-at-the-heels ex-heavyweight boxing champion who trains for a comeback in Tijuana in between boozing and gambling. His son (Jackie Cooper) and the pipe dream of returning to the ring are what keep him going. When he wins some money, the "Champ" buys the boy a racehorse, but promptly loses it in a crap game. The boy's mother (Irene Rich) and her wealthy husband (Hale Hamilton) appear at the track where the boxer works and convince him that the boy would be better off with them. He reluctantly agrees, but the boy later sneaks back to his father's side. In the final reel, the old boxer finally battles a much younger opponent while his son, lower lip quivering, looks on. Although the Champ wins the fight it takes so much out of him that he dies in his son's arms in the locker room...

Produktion: MGM
Produktionsjahr: 1931
Produktionsland: USA



Format: 16mm
Fassung: OF
Länge: 086.04 MIN
Farbe: s/w
Ton: LT
Ausleihbar: möglich