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Eingeschränkt: Team: Louis Gruenberg

An American Romance

Regie: King Vidor
Original Titel: An American Romance
Produktionsland: USA
Produktionsjahr: 1944
Produktion: MGM, Vidor, King

Good performance by Donlevy as a poor Czech immigrant who rises to become a powerful industrialist. Director Vidor spent two years and $3 million bringing this uniquely American success story to the screen. We follow the immigrant from Ellis Island, through his difficult period while working in Minnesota's iron ore mines, until he reaches the top of the industry as an auto manufacturer. His troubl...mehres don't end there. There are unions to contend with and strikes to settle. We leave him in his old age, overseeing a new airplane development business. Virtuoso performance by Donlevy from young immigrant to old industrialist keeps this overlong saga moving. Richards is good as the woman he marries after meeting her in the mining town of his youth.



Fassung: OF
Länge: 121.03 MIN