12 Filme gefunden

Eingeschränkt: Team: Bronislau Kaper

Without Love

Original Titel: Without Love
Deutscher Titel: Zu Klug Für Die Liebe
Produktionsland: USA
Produktionsjahr: 1945

Eine attraktive Witwe will von der Liebe nichts mehr wissen. Doch im Kriegsjahr 1944 überläßt sie einem Wissenschaftler, der an einem Atemgerät für Piloten arbeitet, für seine Forschungen ihre Villa, und aus allen patriotischen und vernunftsorientierten Überlegungen der beiden erwächst schließlich doch die Liebe...



Fassung: OF
Länge: 110.20 MIN

Act Of Violence

Original Titel: Act Of Violence
Deutscher Titel: Akt Der Gewalt
Produktionsland: USA
Produktionsjahr: 1948

Ein ehemaliger Captain der US-Luftwaffe, inzwischen erfolgreicher Bauunternehmer, wird von einem Frontkameraden aufgespürt, der Rache nehmen will für den Verrat des Offiziers an seinen in deutsche Kriegsgefangenschaft geratenen Kameraden..



Fassung: OF
Länge: 082.02 MIN

The Cross Of Lorraine

Regie: Tay Garnett
Original Titel: The Cross Of Lorraine
Produktionsland: USA
Produktionsjahr: 1944
Produktion: MGM, Edwin Knopf

Kelly and Aumont star as French soldiers who are among those who surrender to the Germans at the fall of France in 1940. They are herded into boxcars and shipped to a concentration camp where they are subjected to sadistic treatment and brutal conditions. Lorre is at his most vicious as the demented Nazi sergeant, tossing a loaf of bread from a full basket onto the dirty floor of a barracks to se...mehre the starving prisoners tear at each other for a morsel. Later, Hardwicke, a priest interned with the soldiers, offers a mass. Lorre attends, listens briefly, then shoots the priest, killing him. Kelly goes berserk and attacks Lorre, which only leads to even more savage treatment for the defiant prisoner. He is eventually sent to the infirmary where Aumont works. Aumont plans an escape, taking the injured Kelly along and, with the help of underground workers, they reach a small village. A German detachment arrives a short time later to take all males into a labor battalion. Aumont pretends to volunteer but, once in front of the villagers, excitedly denounces the Germans and encourages everyone to resist. He is summarily shot to death by a German officer, and Kelly, who up to this time has been in a semicomatose state, suddenly leads the villagers in a wholesale attack on the Germans, wiping out the Nazis to the last man in a wild battle. The villagers then burn their town to the ground in a "scorched earth" tactic, similar to that being practiced against the Germans in Russia, and the entire town migrates into unoccupied territory to continue the fight against the Nazi regime.



Fassung: OF
Länge: 090.15 MIN

White Cargo

Original Titel: White Cargo
Produktionsland: USA
Produktionsjahr: 1942
Produktion: MGM, Victor Saville

Pidgeon is working at an African rubberstation. Carlson, his new assistant, is the replacement for Fletcher, whose mental and physical destruction renders him incapable of helping Pidgeon. Carlson is determined not to let this happen to him, but this is easier said than done. Lamarr, a sexy jungle maiden Pidgeon has warned Carlson about, pays a call on this new man. Pidgeon finds her there and to...mehrsses her out. Now Carlson finds himself in the same situation as Fletcher. The natives refuse to obey him, and Carlson is pining for the enticing Lamarr. She eventually returns, much to Carlson's delight. Though Pidgeon is against it, Carlson is determined to marry her. Lamarr, thought to be a native, is actually the daughter of an Egyptian, making her a Caucasian, which eliminates any sort of racial prejudice against the marriage. After they are wed, Lamarr quickly grows bored with her new spouse. Carlson takes ill, and Lamarr sees the chance to be rid of him. She starts to give Carlson some deadly poison, but Pidgeon catches her in the act. He forces the vixen to drink the poison herself, then sends her into the jungle where she dies. Carlson returns home after regaining his strength, leaving Pidgeon in need of a new employee, though he no longer must fear any man's destruction at the hands of Lamarr. Lamarr, clad in sarong and dancing in an oh-so-sexy fashion, needless to say, is the main attraction in the film. She swings her hips and sashays around the floor, breaking not only Carlson's and Fletcher's hearts, but capturing the passions of any warm-blooded male viewing the film. ki



Fassung: OF
Länge: 090 MIN*