5 Filme gefunden

Eingeschränkt: Darsteller: Henry O'Neill

Castle On The Hudson

Original Titel: Castle On The Hudson
Produktionsland: USA
Produktionsjahr: 1940

In a power-packed performance, Garfield does a reprise of Spencer Tracy's role in 20,000 YEARS IN SING SING. He is the wisecracking jewel thief doing 25 to 30 years, and his faithful girl friend, the luscious Ann Sheridan, attempts to get him paroled. Shifty lawyer Cowan promises to help but injures Sheridan when she rebuffs him. A sympathetic warden, O'Brien, allows Garfield to go free on his "ho...mehrnor system" to visit Sheridan, and he walks in on her just as Cowan pays another visit. Sheridan shoots Cowan, but Garfield takes the blame, first fleeing, then returning to prison to save O'Brien's job and honorably go to the chair. The film lacks the pace of its original, but Garfield's magnetic personality holds it together.



Fassung: OF
Länge: 076.50 MIN


Regie: William Wyler
Original Titel: Jezebel
Deutscher Titel: Jezebel - Die Boshafte Lady
Produktionsland: USA
Produktionsjahr: 1938

Eine ebenso verzogene wie attraktive junge Dame, Tochter aus reichem Haus, bringt die amerikanische Südstaaten-Gesellschaft durch ihr bewußt provozierendes Auftreten immer wieder gegen sich auf, bis sie bei einem Ball den Bogen überspannt und auch ihren Verlobten verliert. Als der inzwischen verheiratete Mann nach einiger Zeit geschäftlich in die Stadt kommt, versucht sie, sich an ihm zu rächen......mehr



Fassung: OF
Länge: 104.05 MIN

The Great O'Malley

Original Titel: The Great O'Malley
Deutscher Titel: Ordnung Ist Das Halbe Leben
Produktionsland: USA
Produktionsjahr: 1936

Der New Yorker Polizist, der durch seine humorlos pedantische Dienstauffassung und Paragraphenreiterei eine Familie unglücklich macht, wandelt sich zum hilfsbereiten Mitmenschen...



Fassung: OF
Länge: 070.37 MIN

White Cargo

Original Titel: White Cargo
Produktionsland: USA
Produktionsjahr: 1942
Produktion: MGM, Victor Saville

Pidgeon is working at an African rubberstation. Carlson, his new assistant, is the replacement for Fletcher, whose mental and physical destruction renders him incapable of helping Pidgeon. Carlson is determined not to let this happen to him, but this is easier said than done. Lamarr, a sexy jungle maiden Pidgeon has warned Carlson about, pays a call on this new man. Pidgeon finds her there and to...mehrsses her out. Now Carlson finds himself in the same situation as Fletcher. The natives refuse to obey him, and Carlson is pining for the enticing Lamarr. She eventually returns, much to Carlson's delight. Though Pidgeon is against it, Carlson is determined to marry her. Lamarr, thought to be a native, is actually the daughter of an Egyptian, making her a Caucasian, which eliminates any sort of racial prejudice against the marriage. After they are wed, Lamarr quickly grows bored with her new spouse. Carlson takes ill, and Lamarr sees the chance to be rid of him. She starts to give Carlson some deadly poison, but Pidgeon catches her in the act. He forces the vixen to drink the poison herself, then sends her into the jungle where she dies. Carlson returns home after regaining his strength, leaving Pidgeon in need of a new employee, though he no longer must fear any man's destruction at the hands of Lamarr. Lamarr, clad in sarong and dancing in an oh-so-sexy fashion, needless to say, is the main attraction in the film. She swings her hips and sashays around the floor, breaking not only Carlson's and Fletcher's hearts, but capturing the passions of any warm-blooded male viewing the film. ki



Fassung: OF
Länge: 090 MIN*