4 Filme gefunden

Eingeschränkt: Darsteller: Grant Mitchell

Hell's Kitchen

Original Titel: Hell's Kitchen
Produktionsland: USA
Produktionsjahr: 1939
Produktion: Warner Brothers

Another Dead End Kids melodrama with the gang getting out of reform school only to become the victims of Mitchell, the tough superintendent at the Hell's Kitchen Shelter. Fields plays a paroled racketeer who wants to make a new life and tries to straighten out the crooked home. His humanitarian efforts backfire, and he gets sent back to prison, but not before seeing Mitchell taken into custody by ...mehrthe authorities. ..



Fassung: OF
Länge: 080.32 MIN

Castle On The Hudson

Original Titel: Castle On The Hudson
Produktionsland: USA
Produktionsjahr: 1940

In a power-packed performance, Garfield does a reprise of Spencer Tracy's role in 20,000 YEARS IN SING SING. He is the wisecracking jewel thief doing 25 to 30 years, and his faithful girl friend, the luscious Ann Sheridan, attempts to get him paroled. Shifty lawyer Cowan promises to help but injures Sheridan when she rebuffs him. A sympathetic warden, O'Brien, allows Garfield to go free on his "ho...mehrnor system" to visit Sheridan, and he walks in on her just as Cowan pays another visit. Sheridan shoots Cowan, but Garfield takes the blame, first fleeing, then returning to prison to save O'Brien's job and honorably go to the chair. The film lacks the pace of its original, but Garfield's magnetic personality holds it together.



Fassung: OF
Länge: 076.50 MIN

Dinner At Eight

Regie: George Cukor
Original Titel: Dinner At Eight
Deutscher Titel: Dinner Um Acht
Produktionsland: USA
Produktionsjahr: 1933

Eine Gruppe unterschiedlicher Personen wird von der Ehefrau eines pleitebedrohten Reeders zu einem Dinner geladen. Bevor das Abendessen beginnt, skizziert der Film die einzelnen Gäste und entfaltet ein bitterböses Bild der Eitelkeiten und Verlogenheit unter Reichen und Neureichen, ihrer Krankheiten, Pleiten und Beziehungen...



Fassung: OF
Länge: 110.49 MIN