3 Filme gefunden

Eingeschränkt: Darsteller: Gene Kelly

The Cross Of Lorraine

Regie: Tay Garnett
Original Titel: The Cross Of Lorraine
Produktionsland: USA
Produktionsjahr: 1944
Produktion: MGM, Edwin Knopf

Kelly and Aumont star as French soldiers who are among those who surrender to the Germans at the fall of France in 1940. They are herded into boxcars and shipped to a concentration camp where they are subjected to sadistic treatment and brutal conditions. Lorre is at his most vicious as the demented Nazi sergeant, tossing a loaf of bread from a full basket onto the dirty floor of a barracks to se...mehre the starving prisoners tear at each other for a morsel. Later, Hardwicke, a priest interned with the soldiers, offers a mass. Lorre attends, listens briefly, then shoots the priest, killing him. Kelly goes berserk and attacks Lorre, which only leads to even more savage treatment for the defiant prisoner. He is eventually sent to the infirmary where Aumont works. Aumont plans an escape, taking the injured Kelly along and, with the help of underground workers, they reach a small village. A German detachment arrives a short time later to take all males into a labor battalion. Aumont pretends to volunteer but, once in front of the villagers, excitedly denounces the Germans and encourages everyone to resist. He is summarily shot to death by a German officer, and Kelly, who up to this time has been in a semicomatose state, suddenly leads the villagers in a wholesale attack on the Germans, wiping out the Nazis to the last man in a wild battle. The villagers then burn their town to the ground in a "scorched earth" tactic, similar to that being practiced against the Germans in Russia, and the entire town migrates into unoccupied territory to continue the fight against the Nazi regime.



Fassung: OF
Länge: 090.15 MIN

That's Dancing!

Original Titel: That's Dancing!
Deutscher Titel: That's Dancing!
Produktionsland: USA
Produktionsjahr: 1985

Ein Zusammenschnitt von Tanz- und Gesangsszenen von den Anfängen der Kinematografie über die goldenen Zeiten des Musicals bis zu den Video-Clips der 80er Jahre...


35mm 1.85

Fassung: OF
Länge: 103.58 MIN